Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jobs for the "Working Families"

In a column by Andrew Bolt re Peter Costello:

"Prime Minister Kevin Rudd last November boasted he had a $10.4 billion stimulus package that would “create up to 75,000 additional jobs over the coming year”. The same month he produced another “$15.1 billion package to create 133,000 jobs”, and weeks later he gave us a $4.7 billion “nation-building program” to “help create up to 32,000 Australian jobs”.

So where are those 240,000 new jobs now? And if those billions were so well spent, why is Rudd now spending a colossal $42 billion more? Then count all his other big-dollar pledges piling up as our economy tanks—paid maternity leave, a new tax on emissions, a rise in pensions. . ."

So, the Co2 spewing Kevin747 is creating 240,000 jobs? And yet, in an AAP report:

"The government has been up front about the fact that Australians will be affected, growth will slow, unemployment will rise given the deteriorating global outlook," Rudd was quoted as saying in an AAP report.

Honto Kana? He is creating 240,000 jobs yet umemployment will rise?

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